Archive for August, 2010

Debut continued…..

So, here are all of the rest of our songs from that night… enjoy!!! We can’t wait to work on our next muse: Halloween!!!!!!! – once again, we will be collaborating with the Tangent Gallery whose theme will be ‘Fear’ for that month! Whooo weeeee!camptangent.girlscoutJohnny, Suzie Loves You!!!!!I Carved up the Rafters…!Goat Man Part 1Goat Man 2Public Service Announcement!!!

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Paperboat Debut!!!

So, Eric Wood and I had our first show at “Camp Tangent” this weekend… it was super super fun!!! In honor of summer campness I dressed up like a girlscout and Eric was a cowboy. It made us feel like we were back in the olden days. What olden days you ask? Oh, you know, a simpler time.  You remember those times, don’t you? I’m talking about a time when girlscouts, cowboys… well, just about everything wholesome once walked around and did things all the time.  Hold on, I think I may have lost you… Well, Ahem! The first song we played is called “I don’t like nature” and its from my perspective at like, age 10… and, well, up until just a few years ago… all of the other songs are written based on true-live accounts of camp stories from mosty Gioia Fonda (Eric’s wife and my friend) who put in enough camp time for all of us…, as well as a great story told to me by my nephew Benjamin Frederick.300x300(8)


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